Monday, June 15, 2009

Netanyahu defies Obama with harsh conditions for Palestinian

Binyamin Netanyahu threw down the gauntlet to the US last night, grudgingly agreeing to a limited Palestinian state that would be demilitarised and not in control of its airspace or borders. The hawkish Prime Minister insisted that Israel would never give up a united Jerusalem as its capital, and said that established Jewish settlements in the West Bank would continue to expand - despite explicit objections from Washington.

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Leaders gather for Shanghai talks

Chinese President Hu Jintao and other leaders are gathering in Russia for the ninth Shanghai Co-operation Organisation summit. Some will also attend the first summit of the four emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India and China. The main agenda item at the meetings in Yekaterinburg will be how to deal with the global economic crisis.

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Netanyahu wants demilitarized PA state

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu lifted the shroud from his diplomatic endgame on Sunday night, saying at the BESA Center at Bar-Ilan University that he would support a Palestinian state if he received international guarantees that it would be demilitarized, and if the Palestinians accepted Israel as the Jewish homeland.

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